
Showing posts from January, 2019

JEE Main 2019: April application forms from February 8 – how to decide whether or not you should appear again

NTA would be opening the online application for JEE Main 2019 – II or April Examination on February 8, 2019. Here is all you need to know before deciding whether or not to re-appear. Updates on National Testing Agency, NTA has released the JEE Main 2019 Jan Scores in record time. As many as 8.7 lakh students had appeared for the JEE Main 2019 January examination. NTA would conduct the JEE Main 2019 April examination next. Online application forms for JEE Main 2019 April examination would commence on from February 8, 2019. Important dates are provided below. However, a question that is bothering students now is whether or not to appear for the JEE Main 2019 April examination. JEE Main 2019 II April Exam – Important Dates : Start of  Online Application  – February 8, 2019 Last day  to apply online on  – MArch 7, 2019 JEE Main 2019 II  Admit Card  Download – March 18, 2019 Date of Examination : Apri...


The first JEE (Main) Examination was conducted by NTA between 8 th and  12 th January, 2019 in two shifts per day across 258 cities in the country and abroad. A total number of 9, 29,198 candidates were registered for Paper –I (B.E. /B. Tech.) in this examination. There were 467 examination centres across the country and abroad. A total number of 566 Observers, 254 City- Coordinators and 25 State Coordinators were deployed at these centres to oversee the smooth and fair conduct of examination. The Paper-I was conducted in a total of 8 shifts from 9th to 12th January 2019. The results of Paper- NTA have been declared today :  for NTA Result   >> Click Here Results at a glance :  Number of candidates registered (Paper-I: B.E. /B. Tech.) - 9,29,198 Number of candidates appeared (Paper-I: B.E. /B. Tech.)  - 8,74,469  15 Candidates have received 100 NTA Score in January 2019 examination in Paper-I (B.E. /B. Tech.). NTA Scores are n...


Education is very necessary for each and everyone in order to improve knowledge, way of living as well as social and economic status throughout the life. Getting proper education is the birth rights of everyone restricting which is the crime. Education is the ultimate way to get victory over all the personal and social problems. We have listed some effective, motivational and inspiring THOUGHT  and VIEWS about the education said by the famous and popular personalities of the world : “Responsibility educates.” – Wendell Phillips “The highest result of education is tolerance.” – Helen Keller “Every educated person is a future enemy.” – Martin Bormann “Education is the cheap defense of nations.” – Edmund Burke “All real education is the architecture of the soul.” – William Bennett “Education is the transmission of civilization.” – Will Durant “An educated people can be easily governed.” – Frederick the Great “Education is hanging around until you’ve caught on.” – Rober...